Students – Incoming

Thank you for your interest in our Conservatory! Here you will find useful information on how to submit your Erasmus application and everything you need to know to best organize your study period in Trapani.

Deadline for incoming applications (winter and summer semester 2024/25): 15 June 2024

If study places are still available, out-of-term applications can be accepted throughout the academic year. If you are interested in knowing availability, please contact the Erasmus Office directly at

How to apply

La procedura di attivazione di una mobilità Erasmus per studio si compone di tre fasi:

  • Partecipazione al Bando di selezione interna all’Istituto. I bandi vengono pubblicati a Dicembre di ogni anno per partenze nell’Anno Accademico successivo. I candidati idonei, ordinati secondo criteri di merito e di pari opportunità, procedono allo step successivo.
  • Partecipazione alle selezioni degli istituti ospitanti. I partecipanti assegnatari di borsa di mobilità possono inoltrare la propria candidatura a 4 potenziali istituti ospitanti. Ciascun istituto opera una selezione sulla base dei documenti inviati e comunica ai candidati l’esito.
  • Stipula degli accordi. Il candidato selezionato per un periodo di mobilità all’Estero sottoscrive un accordo finanziario e un accordo didattico con il Conservatorio e l’Istituto ospitante.

I dettagli economici della borsa di mobilità sono specificati all’interno di ciascun Bando di selezione interna, poiché possono subire variazioni. Per informazioni più dettagliate sull’organizzazione della mobilità Erasmus e su come orientarsi per la scelta della sede ospitante è disponibile un VADEMECUM.

Academic year

Fall Semester: 2 November – 28 February
Spring Semester: 1 March – 30 June
Holidays: 8 December, 23 December / 6 January, 25 April, 1 May, 2 June – (Easter Holidays tba)

Study programs

The ‘Antonio Scontrino’ Conservatory of Music offers 1st and 2nd Cycle programs and awards Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. The curricula are based on European standards and the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). With the system of academic credits, to be awarded a 1st Cycle bachelor’s degree, students need to have accumulated 180 credits within a three-year period (Triennio Accademico), while to be awarded a 2nd Cycle master’s degree (Biennio Accademico), students need to have acquired 120 credits within two years.

The ‘Antonio Scontrino’ Conservatory of Music offers its students a wide range of training opportunities. Courses are available in the following areas:

· Composition
· Vocal performance
· Instrumental performance
· Early music
· Electronic music
· Jazz
· Music therapy (master’s level)

Theory courses are held in Italian, even if English lessons are negotiable with the teacher in advance. Italian language knowledge is recommended, but only B1 (or above) English proficiency is required.

Course details can be found here.

Grading system

The Italian grading system for ordinary exams is based on a 1-30 points with 18 as the lowest passing grade. 30 Cum Laude may also be awarded to highlight excellent results. 
For final assessment of the entire degree, a 110-point scale is used with 66 as the minimum for a degree to be awarded. The final grade incorporates scores both on course exams and for the final thesis. 110 Cum Laude may also be awarded to highlight excellent results.

The tables below describe the statistical distribution of passing grades in the first and second cycle programmes, based on the total number of grades awarded during the three preceding years. The ECTS grading table show how the national scale is actually used in our institution and allows the comparison with the statistical distribution of grades in a parallel programme of another institution:

ECTS Grading Table 1st and 2nd cycle programmes (course grades)
ECTS Grading Table 1st and 2nd cycle programmes (final grades)
Further information

Health Insurance

All students from the European Union and from Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, should already have an European Health Insurance Card, and usually is useful for all. You may choose to get additional health insurance online or at an on-site agency in Trapani.


About Trapani

Useful links

EASY Mobility Online | Portale per la gestione delle domande di mobilità
Dream Agreements | Portale per la gestione dei Learning Agreements
Traineeship Agreement | Modello di Traineeship Agreement
EU Academy | Portale per il supporto linguistico online (OLS)
ESN | Erasmus Student Network
Erasmus Intern | Portale di offerta tirocini